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Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own, imagination is a force that can manifest reality

Mishy’s Menagerie January 11, 2009

Filed under: Work — mishymoshy @ 8:13 pm

I received my shipment of plasticine just in time for the new year. I have many colours but also a huge chunk of black plasticine. that I thought would be good for eyes and animals like zebras/cows.sheep. Unfortunately I forgot to order extra white, doh. Its just like the plasticine at school, v easy to mould. The only negative is using it with other colours as they can merge and become one without being able to separate them after. I don’t have any brown left now, boo. Anyways my menagerie is looking good. Let me introduce you to it’s new members:


We have Magnus (MK III because his head kept falling off and ended up getting really big and out of proportion with his body) standing with the help of an Xmas tree, Next to him is the cheeky Terence who isn’t only sticking his tongue out at you, he’s looking into your eyes too, Raoul (a gift),  Fenton who we all know and love and last but not least Cassius the depts unofficial mascot who has own comic strip and dispenses useful hints & tips…along with threats of casual violence (“Register your aduits or I’ll snip your bloody legs off!”).

I also have a personal vendetta against the cacti on our windowsill however someone pointed out it was as though they were sticking two fingers up to nature. They make me chuckle now and I don’t mind them so much anymore.



2 Responses to “Mishy’s Menagerie”

  1. ooo nice menagerie…what is terence?? a tortoise?? i like cassius… hahaa i agree with the cacti they do look a bit grim…they should change the pots to make it look a bit more cheery!

  2. shusheep Says:

    I’m comming to steal Raoul!!!!!! and i love Cassius! Cuuuute!!!!! Did you make that xmas tree???

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